Designed to help you create and describe your persona . It helps the company to put itself in the consumer's shoes and to see the business from his point of view. This perception is influenced by several demographic, socioeconomic, personal and behavioral factors. By creating the empathy map, the company puts its focus on the customer. By understanding these people, it is able to identify business opportunities, adapt products or services to the public's needs, discover more efficient ways to communicate with customers and provide quality service , as well as develop accurate sales strategies. How does an empathy map work? Four topics are essential to creating a good empathy map.
To build it, the company needs to understand: what the customer sees — find out where your audience consumes information, which YouTube or TV channels they watch, websites or blogs they access, if they still read newspapers, books and Outlook Email List magazines or if they use social networks a lot; what the customer listens to — it's not just about knowing what they like to listen to, such as podcasts, music and radio, but mainly finding out who has influence in their life or decision process.
Find out which influencers (public or not) he respects, as well as his favorite brands; what the customer thinks and feels — try to understand what he really wants, how he relates to the world, what his ambitions and goals are in relation to life as a whole or in aspects that have to do with your product; what the customer says and does — finally, find out how your audience behaves, understand what they do at work and in their free time, their hobbies and even how they interact on social media. Identify your favorite subjects and the language that catches your eye. After analyzing these items in detail, you will have a true X-ray of your persona.