The following timeline of Kenley Matheson's disappearance contains CONFIRMED facts (before investigative information gathered by the police, with the exception of the bank transactions made on Sunday and Monday - which were only confirmed to be made on Kenley's account but never confirmed to be made by Kenley)
As I write articles covering details of the timeline below, I will post a link to them at the end of this article. I think it is important to keep the separate timeline of CONFIRMED events separate from eye witness statements, as these are known to be unreliable even when persons involved are being truthful. They are a hindrance when used to throw investigators off track. Truthful, unreliable, or deceitful, eye witness accounts are a helpful tool and must be thoroughly presented, investigated, and discussed. They will all be discussed in future posts.
Friday, September 18, 1992
Kenley Matheson attends the Tower party. Kayrene does not attend as she was in Halifax for the weekend.
Sunday, September 20, 1992
1:15 pm $20 is debited from Kenley's bank account at the ATM on Main Street
8 pm Kayrene visits her brother in his dorm room (904 Crowell Tower). They chat about the weekend (including his behaviour at the Tower Party). They make plans to meet up the next night to do calculus homework.
***original reports said the time of this conversation was 8 pm, more recent reports give the time as 4 pm
Monday, September 21, 1992
Kenley does not attend classes Monday
Sarah MacDonald, Kenley's mother, calls Kenley on the communal payphone of 9th floor Crowell Tower and leaves a message for Kenley to call her
Kayrene calls Kenley and leaves a message as well
Kenley does not contact his mother or his sister and he does not show up for the study session with his sister that night
time unknown $20 is deposited to Kenley's bank account at the Royal Bank ATM on Main Street
Tuesday, September 22, 1992
Kenley does not attend classes on Tuesday (the calculus class he shared with Kayrene was from 8:30 am - 10 am)
After calculus class, Kayrene goes to the 9th floor Crowell Tower and leaves a note on Kenley's door telling him to contact her immediately (their mother still has this note)
Wednesday, September 23, 1992
Kenley does not attend classes on Wednesday
Kayrene and Mike Hussey are let in to Kenley's room by the RA, Todd Barker (believed to be the first time anyone has entered his room since he went missing)
Thursday, September 24, 1992
6:30 pm Allan Matheson reports his son, Allan Kenley Matheson, missing to the Wolfville Police Department
I do not have access to Kenley's police records. Any reference to police reports or private investigators statements comes from the information provided by Ron LaMothe in his docuseries covering Kenley's Disappearance called Missing Kenley, available to view on Amazon Prime, from the Facebook Group Finding Kenley: Discussion Group on the Disappearance of Kenley Matheson, or from the Missing Kenley Twitter Account (run by Ron LaMothe)
Deep Dive Series of Kenley Matheson's Disappearance:
Kirsten Tomlinson's Statements - Deep Dive Article 2
Todd Barker's Statements - Deep Dive Article 3 (in progress - check back soon)
Tom Gordon's Statements - Deep Dive Article 4 (not yet written)
More articles, yet unnamed, to come...
The Tower Party
The Purple Hat
The Kenny family
The Eyewitness sightings
The police searches (Chicken Pit/Melanson Mountain)